They're big and cute and friendly compared the the other sets and that's why I decided to use them. The emoji icons used on this site are the open-source emoji set that originated on Twitter. The difference between emoji pictures and ASCII are is simply that emoji pictures have a much stronger emphasis on the emoji characters.

Emoji art may also use other Unicode symbols as well - text art with emojis is fairly common because there aren't enough emojis to represent all the different shapes required to do good emoji art. Once such experimental exploration has been into the use of emojis in artwork - just like the original ASCII art used ASCII characters, so emoji art uses emojis.

So we can now put emojis in any text that we want and just treat them like normal text characters - we can even copy and paste emojis just like we do with text! Along with this text emoji hype, there's been lots of experimentation with how they're used. Unicode has steadily introduced more emojis over the last few years and internet browser and operating systems (like iOS and Android) are also supporting textual emojis. This means that text can actually contain emojis (not images embedded in text). Fairly recently, Unicode introduced a large number of "emoji" characters into its specification. They are very quickly aligning with all of Unicode's text symbols. This is particularly so for the big browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge. Huge players in the computing industry like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Windows, Mozilla and Apple have used Unicodes standards to decide on the symbols that should be renderable. In case you haven't heard of it before, its a standards body which helps the whole computing industry decide on which letters, characters and, in general, text that should be implemented and be usable by the operators of those devices.

I figured that since people are making emoji drawings and sending emoji messages more often, that it would be a good idea to create a site where people could come and share their emoji creations and copy and paste emoji art to their social media posts really easily. Hello and welcome to Emoji Art! I made this site because I noticed that people are starting to make emoji pictures more often, especially on Twitter, WhatsApp and related sites.